Driving into the dusty Dordabis, we were welcomed with cheerful kids running toward an open truck displaying goods that will change their lives, to us – thoughtless goods to our daily household.
Hope Orphanage is the saving grace for children living in devastating circumstances, where they can go when there is no food, no basic hygienic care, and loving attention.
The mother of Dordabis, Rosivita Arie, started Hope Orphanage and Support Group (HOSG) in 2009, registering over 120 orphans, vulnerable children, and HIV/AIDS infected people. Currently, Dordabis has a population of 1 800 people, with a shocking rate of unemployment, abuse, and neglect. On Wednesday, 9 March 2022, a fellowship was formed between ChariTree, WUTOW Trading, Rob Youth Foundation, and SBS Trucking, to change not only the lives of Dordabis residents but charities throughout the whole of Namibia, by inaugurating the “ChariTree Outreach Program”.
The ChariTree Outreach Program aims to distribute consumables provided by WUTOW Trading on a regular basis. Working with 15 charities throughout Namibia, ChariTree is a privately owned fundraising platform that sells raffle tickets, and facilitates outreach programs.
Markus van der Merwe, the CEO of WUTOW Trading, expressed their desire to reach out to the communities in need can be amplified by working with ChariTree, as more hands have a larger impact and goods can be spread further.
Within a day and a half heads and hands were put together to make the first delivery of goods to Dordabis possible. SBS Trucking jumped on board to transport the goods, anything from washing powder, cleaning agents, soaps, and packets of soup. “This isn’t just a pack of soup or a bar of soap, this is a step forward from yesterday for the children. Its hard to imagine your future or dream big when you’re dirty and have an empty tummy. Let’s do what we can.” – Richard Hoff, ChariTree co-founder.

Received with open arms and joyous tears, the mother, and children of Dordabis thanked us with songs of gratitude.
We thank each and every person who made our first “Outreach Program” possible. This is just the first of many.
If you want to get involved as a volunteer, to donate food, clothing etc. you can contact us here [link] or WhatsApp on 081 223 2883.
If you are in the surrounding area of Dordabis and would like to get in contact with Hope Orphanage, you can contact Rosivita at 081 464 9595.
Elzane Ludeke, 2022